
Ritual Themes (and Ideas) for Imbolc

Quickening of the Earth

The earth is quickening. This means that deep within the soil, the stirring of life is beginning. Seeds are waking up, snowdrops begin to bloom, and hope reigns supreme through the last of winter.

  • ·         Bless the seeds that you will later plant at Ostara
  • ·         If you have no snow, begin preparing your garden bed, weeding out invasive plants and testing your soil
  • ·         Meditate on the quiet potential that you have within yourself
  • ·         Create goals for the year
  • ·         Do divination for the year


Celebrating Brighid

Brighid is the Irish goddess of fire, forge and inspiration. She’s also known as a goddess of healing. Imbolc is her feast day.

  • ·         Give creative offerings to Brighid
  • ·         Create something – make some sort of craft
  • ·         Craft a Brighid’s cross
  • ·         Make a Bride doll, and lay a wand next to her in a Bride’s bed
  • ·         Create a shrine dedicated to healing, and light candles for those in need
  • ·         Ask for inspiration in an endeavor
  • ·         Sing songs about Her
  • ·         Any of the below fire festival ideas would also be appropriate, as Brighid is a fire goddess of the hearth

Fire Festival

Imbolc is one of the four Wiccan cross-quarter days or fire festivals. Some people like to focus on the fire aspect for Imbolc, especially when it’s obvious it’s still very much wintertime.

  • ·         Light tons of candles representing hope for spring
  • ·         Focus on firey foods
  • ·         Ritually light your hearth fire from a blessed candle
  • ·         Make candle lanterns
  • ·         Make candles
  • ·         Have a candlelight procession

Foods for Imbolc usually involve some sort of dairy component, as this is the time where sheep’s milk would begin to come in.