
White Magic Studio

Otherworld Dream Blog


April 2016


Waiting for Walpurgis Night


what does having a dream about walpurgis night mean?  what does having two of them in a week mean?


(vía La noche de Walpurgis en Alemania!!)


Alright, so Saturday night is Walpurgis Night and Sunday is Beltane. Nimue has already been somewhat restless as a muse gearing up towards this. ( If you haven’t noticed. ) On those days, she’s going to be 100x worse, I guarantee it. If you’ve ever wanted to deal with Nim’s more arcane and magically inclined side, this would be a good time to try your luck. lol

I’ll be reblogging this occasionally while I work on a holiday queue for her. ( As I’m likely to be celebrating at least one/two of those nights myself. ) Give it a like if you want a themed starter or just put yourself in my way if you want to plot something more concrete out.


Some thorn lore: In Herefordshire, England, to prevent damage to a wheat
crop as the wheat is sprouting, a large thorn bush would be partially
burnt in the field before daybreak. The remainder of the thorn bush was
then hung in the farmhouse. Thorns were believed to ward off witches and
evil spirits. Thorny branches were also laid on the thresholds of barns
of Walpurgis Night (April 30) to keep disease from the animals. Ancient
Athenians chewed buckthorn one morning of the year to banish the evil
spirits of the dead.


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