
White Magic Studio

Otherworld Dream Blog


September 2015

I thrive in the cold with hot drinks and cozy sweaters with the smell of pumpkins and candles to brighten my home. I need fall to survive.

via spooktacularhalloween (via falling-through-autumn)

Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile.

William Cullen Bryant (via entombedreverie)

Major Arcana Spells: Dreams of The Temperance


Spell to help you find answers in your dreams, this spell will help you to remember your dreams and make them more vivid so the the message can be received.

You will need:

  • The Temperance Card
  • Pen and Paper
  • Blue Ribbon

Write you’re question or the thing you need advice on on the piece of paper. Fold it around the card and tie it with the ribbon. 
As you tie the ribbon say;

Temperance, Wanderer of the land, and dreams. 
I call to you, to guide my sleep.

When you go to bed place the charm under your pillow, kiss it before you do so and whisper to it:

Guide me through the land of dreams,
and to that which I seek.

Log your dreams, when the answer reveals itself, undo the ribbon, burn the paper, and cleanse the card.


Josh McAlear


Village – Iceland by Florent Gast


A Pandering Twilight


Elder Souls by FlorentCourty

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