
White Magic Studio

Otherworld Dream Blog


October 2014

The battle between the mind and heart usually hurts the body.

Hedonist Poet (via hedonistpoet)


miniature poodle 6 months young


Venice Alley 


all the planets and signs represent unique personifications of the one divine godsource. sagittarius finds intimacy with the divine through the aggressive, ravenous physical and intellectual quest for a tangible god. their chapel of worship transcends beyond the physical structures and desires the peak experience, urging that he becomes one with the universe in inquisitive meditation, research, following a compass, reading maps and searching for a face to face meeting with his creator. sagittarius is reuniting with the divine on a lifelong pilgrimage when he discoveries hidden bible passages that provide the nostalgia of another life, travels far and wide in the name of personal experience, explores universal mysteries, assimilates into new cultures and indulging their intrinsic sense of wanderlust. sagittarius is in divine dialogue when following the pangs of their inflamed intuition and letting instinct prioritize thought. in the search for their true self that lies in an exotic freeway the divine self joins them in synergy and the divine dialogue is transmuted through the voices of wise esoteric authors, cosmic professors, higher educators, mystics and finding the celestial mantlepiece when they step foot through the places they have read about in books, sit in meditation on the enchanting mountaintop and reach the stars they quivered their bow and arrow toward

The Witch House of Salem, Massachusetts.


Milky Way over Second Beach, Olympic Wilderness, Washington

“It’s important to protect our dark sky wilderness areas, away from light pollution, so everyone can enjoy unobstructed views into the heavens.” ~ Photographer Joe LeFevre, Oswego, New York

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